All TAT passes to be filled in Patiala on demand of ETT teachers Sharing information of preparations completed by the unemployed teachers union of the...
Block primary school sports public elementary school in Kamwala Ferozepur September 30 (Deep Sandhu) Department of Education Punjab, Secretary School Education Mr. Krishna Kumar Ji,...
All TAT passes to be filled in Patiala on demand of ETT teachers Gurdaspur, September 30 (Deep Sandhu) State Leader of the Unemployed Teachers' Union,...
Seminar organized by Primary teachers of Block Ferozepur-2 Ferozepur 31 Julali (Sandhu), under the guidance of Education Minister Mr. AP Soni and under the direction...
Jaswinder Singh Kamboj becomes district general secretary of sports general body According to the directives of the education department, the selection of the District Sports...
Important meeting of the Education Provider Teachers Union Punjab Patiala July 18 (Sandhu) An important meeting of the Education Provider Teachers Union Punjab was held...
Read More Punjab Teaching Punjab The Transition of Transitional Education: - Mr. Pradeem Sharma Ferozepur, July 17 (Sandhu): An important meeting of the Punjab Teaching...
District Education Officer assures to resolve demands Ferozepur, July 17 (Sandhu) A delegation from the ETT Tat Pass Union Punjab (6505), a delegation from Ferozepur...